How to Save Your Business During Coronavirus Using Virtual and Augmented Reality Technologies
The recent COVID-19 pandemic has affected pretty much every company across all industries. Due to the outbreak, quarantine measures have been implemented in countries around the world, forcing businesses to shift their operations online and consumers to stay at home. As a result, people are not going out shopping, not booking vacations, hosting parties, and the list can go on and on. Needless to say, this results in millions of dollars in revenue being lost until the virus is contained.
Fortunately, most companies have a pandemic plan for business continuity, and there is a way companies can not only reduce losses during the COVID-19 but even make a profit. Some coronavirus consequences for businesses can be prevented by the use of technologies. And the most useful technologies during the pandemic are virtual and augmented reality.
Virtual and Augmented Reality for Retailers During Pandemic
All retail stores and shopping malls are closed during the quarantine period, which means that not only is money not coming in, but those companies still have to keep up with expenses such as merchandise storage, employee payroll, and other costs. A lot of companies have shifted to selling exclusively online, but they are encountering another problem: customers are hesitant to buy goods without physically holding it in their hands. This especially concerns clothing stores because people generally will not commit to buying a pair of jeans or any other item without trying it on first.
Thanks to augmented reality, it is now possible to see how any given item will look on you all from the comfort and convenience of your living room. We have seen similar technology used in high-end shopping malls and stores with AR mirrors. Basically, instead of making a trip to the dressing room to try on an item, you would hold the clothes in front of the mirror, and it would show you how you would look like if you were to actually try on that garment.
Now let’s take this a step further. Instead of an AR mirror, companies are now using AR-powered smartphone cameras to show you what you would look like in the clothes you are considering to buy. This removes a lot of reservations about certain items and allows the shoppers to sit on the fence to be confident in making a purchase. Now that we have looked at clothes, it is only natural that we look at makeup and beauty items next.
AR/VR to Try on Your Favorite Makeup Style
If you enjoyed the in-store experience of shopping for makeup and trying on new looks, you could continue to do so online as well. Augmented reality cosmetics allows you to try on individual items or ready-made looks. In fact, Skywell Software has developed one such product, called Cosmia AR makeup app, which offered shoppers all kinds of benefits such as the ability to imitate the makeup look of their favorite celebrity, fine-detailed virtual makeup applications, and many other functionalities. You can read more about this application by following the link to the case study above.
AR/VR for the Tourism Industry
We could all use a vacation to get away from the stress caused by the pandemic, but, unfortunately, most countries have closed their borders, and airlines are not operating commercial flights, with the exception of emergency evacuations. Still, there is a silver lining to this whole situation. You can have virtual reality tours to take you to the cities you always wanted to see or the experiences you always dreamed of. While this may not be as good as the real thing, the immersive experience will show you what a certain location looks like in real life. This way, you will be able to decide whether or not you really want to go there when this whole thing is over.
Learn, Work and Train Remotely with AR/VR Technology
Just because you are under the coronavirus quarantine, life does not have to be on hold. You should continue to study, work, and learn new things remotely. We are all familiar with technologies like Zoom and Skype for virtual meetings. However, what if we were to kick it up a notch and give everybody the feeling that they are all in the room together. This is possible with virtual reality and the level of immersion it offers.
Similarly, you can further hone your skills with VR simply by putting down the textbook and putting on a VR headset. Imagine being able to have hands-on experience without leaving your home or buying expensive equipment. Such technology is already being used by doctors, police officers, and even professional athletes to make training more productive, safer, and more realistic.
Virtual Reality Conferences and Events
Just like you have the ability to attend day-to-day work meetings, you can also attend large conferences and events in virtual reality as well. Companies are virtually connecting people by putting avatars over real-time live streamed 360-degree video. This can be very useful for keeping networking events and scientific conferences on schedule as planned, without worrying about the quarantine restrictions getting in the way. In fact, holding your conference or event in virtual reality will save you money on travel costs and can give your presentations a boost as well.
Get Back to Business as Usual With AR/VR
We hope that all of the applications of AR and VR technologies have inspired you to reach new heights in your industry, even with the COVID-19 virus putting a damper on things. Skywell Software continues to provide virtual and augmented reality services and can help your business thrive and get a competitive advantage during the pandemic. Therefore, STAY SAFE and be sure to follow all of the hygiene rules recommended by the doctors, and we are here to help you weather the storm.
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